Modeling the Budding Yeast Cell Cycle

CLB1 clb2∆

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Change of parameters: ksb2'=0.0003, ksb2"=0.013 (=33% of WT).
Arrest: Inviable, sister chromatid separation occurs 1.5 min after nuclear division.


Richardson, H., Lew, D.J., Henze, M., Sugimoto, K. and Reed, S. I. (1992). Cyclin-B homologs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae function in S phase and in G2. Genes Dev. 6:2021-2034.
[Abstract] [Article]
Cross, F.R., Archambault, V., Miller, M., Klovstad, M. (2002). Testing a mathematical model of the yeast cell cycle. Mol. Biol. Cell 13:52-70.
[Abstract] [Article]
Experimental results: Viable.
Comments: Problem for the model. The model predicts the mutant cells to be inviable because Esp1 is not actvated at mitotic exit. To simulate clb2∆ we lower the rates of Clb2 synthesis to 33% of wild-type values to represent the intact CLB1 gene (Cross, 2002), assuming that Clb1 is a perfect substitute for Clb2. With the present parameter set, the mutant CLB1 clb2∆ has problem in activating Esp1at mitosis at the second cycle, its value is 0.086, less than the critical value 0.1, but it reaches that value just 1.5 min later. We require that Esp1 has to reach the critical value 0.1 (10% activation) for sister chromatid separation at the time of nuclear division to give rise to a viable cell. Maybe a checkpoint mechanism that delays mitosis until sister chromatid is separated will make this mutant viable.